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Asphalt Sealcoating Suffolk County Long Island, NY

Driveway Sealcoating Suffolk County NY: Repel Restoration Inc. is centrally located in Deer Park, Suffolk County Long Island, NY.  We know how important is it is protect your asphalt driveway and other properties from oxidation and the damage caused by winter cracking, as well as the sun's UV rays and traffic. Especially during a Suffolk County Long Island, New York winter, freezing and thawing effects will likely speed up the reapplication timeline. So, it's important to stay on top.

long Island SealcoatingAbout Suffolk County Long Island Sealcoating

Asphalt Sealcoat is a liquid that is applied to asphalt to protect it from all kinds of damages year round. Sealcoating is usually needed in cold climates, but can be found useful in warmer climates as well. Being that asphalt is a petroleum product, other petroleum products like vehicle oil and gasoline tend to react with the surface, allowing the sealcoat to act as a barrier against these harmful materials.

Suffolk County Long Island Sealcoating Application

It is important to seal your asphalt property twice yearly. By taking this preventative maintenance action, you are protecting your investment from the UV rays from the sun and weather elements that breakdown and wear your driveway and other properties. Usually one application in early Spring, as well as late Fall to protect and fill any cracks before the bitter Winter temperatures take toll. By doing this cheap preventative maintenance, you are adding more years to the life of your asphalt driveways and properties. Repel Restoration Inc. guarantees you'll be happy when your driveway is sealed and looks new again.

Commercial Asphalt SealcoatingWhy Is Sealcoating for Suffolk County Long Island Critical

Especially in Long Island, where the season changes are extreme, every day use and temperature change will lead to erosion of your asphalt. this top layer will loosen, break and chip. When water gets in to this broken crevices it will slowly destroy your asphalt even further.  As with any problem, they often start small and become large problems when ignored. Solving or preventing these asphalt problems early will save you costly repairs.  Sealcoating the asphalt will prevent the erosion and stop the water from entering these small openings.

Call our Repel Restoration sealcoating expert today to have your asphalt driveway inspected.


Safety First

A properly sealcoted asphalt surface will defend against premature erosion and cracking. A properly maintained surface, free of cracks and defects makes for a defects, a much safer surface.

Repel Restoration Inc. provides a wide array of sealcoating services. Our professional services include residential and commercial driveways as well as commercial parking lots.  Functionally and aesthetics are both qualitys that you will achieve with our sealcoating service.  Call today to schedule a free estimate.   Click Here to learn more information about sealcoating.


Driveway Sealcoating Suffolk County Long Island, NY
Coal-tar • Asphalt Emulsions • Commercial Parking Lots

Contact Vincent Bolger for Driveway Sealcoating Suffolk County

  at 631-387-2125 to schedule your free estimate.

  • Driveway Sealcoating Suffolk County Long Island
  • Driveway Sealcoating Suffolk County Long Island, NY